State Road Animal Hospital was started in the early 1960’s. The past 60 years have brought many changes. State Road Animal Hospital has grown from a small 1 doctor practice with a wood stove to the multi-doctor practice it is today.

In 2000, the hospital became computerized and two years later a major renovation was done on the building. The barn was totally converted into small animal surgery, radiology and treatment areas, as well as hospital wards for dogs and cats and an isolation area. An new addition was also built to accommodate exam rooms, waiting room, front desk, and the lab/online store areas. This renovation allowed State Road Animal Hospital to provide much more comprehensive in-house diagnostic and treatment capabilities. Since then, those capabilities have been further enhanced by adding ultrasound, blood transfusions, therapeutic laser, endoscopy, urgent care, and behavior counseling services.

Our veterinary team has also expanded. We now have 3+ full-time veterinarians, licensed veterinary technicians, and a laser specialist. Our entire staff works hard to provide the highest quality of medical care for every patient in a timely manner.

All of these changes and improvements have been with one purpose in mind-to provide the highest quality and most comprehensive service possible for our clients, our patients, and our community. That is our mission, and our ongoing goal is to continue seeking ways to better serve.



To provide the highest qualify of life, for the longest possible time, for the greatest number of patients.


To become the most comprehensive and progressive animal hospital in central Michigan that provides exceptional and complete service, consistently.


To do all we can to preserve the relationship.