We are proud to offer Healing Laser Therapy. Laser Therapy is used to help reduce pain, reduce inflammation, and increase the speed of healing. We use Laser Therapy for acute conditions such as, wounds, allergies, infections, cuts/bites, inflammation, tooth extraction pain relief, sprains, strains and fractures, and post-surgical healing and pain relief. It is also used for chronic conditions such as, degenerative joint disease, inflammatory bowel disease, lick granulomas, geriatric care, hip dysplasia, feline acne, tendonitis, arthritis, and much more! The use of laser therapy, in many instances, reduces or eliminates the need for medications that eventually affect the liver and kidneys.

How it works:

Class IV Deep Tissues Laser Therapy uses a beam of laser light to deeply penetrate tissue without damaging it. Laser energy induces a biological response in the cells called “photo-bio-modulation”, which leads to reduced pain, reduced inflammation and increased healing speed. The laser light is delivered through a noninvasive hand piece to treat the affected area. Your pet may feel a gentle and soothing warmth. Most treatments take a matter of minutes in a relaxed environment with you, the owner, present.


Treatment protocols are unique to each patient and condition. Therefore, treatments will vary in time, complexity, and cost. Laser therapy can be used to enhance other treatment plans recommended by your veterinarian.

A physical exam is needed by our doctors before we will schedule for any Laser Therapy. This is to best determine the most ideal treatment(s).